This is a static snapshot of, taken Tuesday, March 5th, 2013.
Escort index
[PG-13] Sexy goings on among all sorts of men,
including our duo.
Wow! I attempt writing an actual case for Holmes and Watson to investigate,
but many of the details fail me right now, without more historical research
and more time to invest in the story. For now, the focus is mostly on Holmes
and Watson, rather than the case. Any bold-print "detail"s
in the story are things I have yet to resolve. The story remains incomplete,
though I will make it more readable by formatting it as if it were a complete
So, the plot: Holmes at first refuses to share a case with Watson, due to
its subject matter, but finally invites him to join his investigation at an
exclusive "men's club."
Normally the story text would go here. However, since Escort is so long,
even for a sketch/unfinished work, I've broken it up into parts that are
linked to this index, and to each other:
Now there's a
from which I will copy the comments on the slash fiction. Sample
comments would look like this:
[Author]; [subject]; [date] [message text]
Yen; [The Secret Diaries of Dr. Watson]; 20 July 2002 --snip praise for Pythoness's "Secret Diaries" story--
And Cress, you are spoiling me. ;) I've been up nights reading your
stories, even the unfinished sketches. I love them all, and I'll just
mention Escort here now. ::silly grin:: Holmes as an owned man.
::chuckles:: Oh God, a dear chat buddy of mine said she died when I
passed a snippet on to her of Holmes pouting and complaining after he
and Watson had been interrupted.
DarkEternal09; Escort; 29 May 2006 First off, I've read all the stories on Sacrilege! as well as the
sketches and I like most of them. I just had to comment on Escort. It is
a great sketch and it would make a wonderful story. Funny thing is is that
even though you haven't finished it, you could endit where it is and just
make it a PWP. I know you're attempting to make it have a good plot besides
H/W flirting/making out/getting in bed but if you can't seem to work out
all the details to the plot I say just leave it as it is and make it a PWP.
Every time "Adam" spoke to "Jack" I just pictured Holmes' voice as very
feminine and now that I look back on it it's quite funny how I pictured his
voice changing. Continue to work on it and great work as always.