(My "Miss Roylott" persona will not own up to these until they are completed! Har! Har!)
This is an index to all my unfinished sketches, which I have written at various times and which have seemed popular enough with some readers, to stand on their own. There are also some outright stories, which have unfortunately never reached completion. I warn readers that the sketches are written wholly or partially in my own peculiar "language", featuring weird paragraph styles, irregular shifts in verb tense, and lazy abbreviations. I will add more items as I have time.
the 2nd morning, : a sketchy piece of sap, for "After 1914..."
The 2nd Jezail, : story explaining Watson's wound, and Holmes's past
238 words, : later expanded to a massage story
After Monday, : a partially expanded story, occurring during "Final Problem"
anything, : Holmes makes a rather personal request of Watson
Arrivals and Departures, : Watson's trip to a funeral prompts major decisions and confessions
boxing, : Holmes and Watson get friendly over a bout of boxing.
a cat slinking..., : Holmes gets bold and determined about his desire for Watson.
Does She Know?, : a serious and uncertain prequel to John Sherlock's adventure in "Nuncle"
dressmaking, : a gender-blurring experiment by Holmes, revised on April 12, 2010.
Escort, : an unfinished tale about Holmes and Watson going undercover on a case. Last added to on June 29, 2001.
In A Future Age, : a very extra-canonical sketch
a midnight summons, : Holmes arranges a personal talk with Watson
Primal, : H withholds some important details of where he was during a recent case.
A Scandalous Proposition, ; humour : concerns a dispute about Watson working outside the home.
sharing breakfast, : appended to the "Dying Detective" adventure
Signs of Affection, : covers H, W, Mary, & cocaine
sleepwalking, : Watson has wandering feet, and more.
Superficial Wounds, : a semi-complete tale about H and W in a medical situation.
Understudy, : Moriarty trains an actor to play Holmes, with surprising consequences.
a way with women, : Holmes obsessively goes after Watson with only one thing on his mind, but sadly, it isn't sex.
Oscar Wilde encounter, : a dilemma over Watson's new novel
Madness, : an asexual Holmes deals with Watson's love for him